Saturday, October 24, 2009

A perfect day at the Collingwood Children's Farm and the Abbotsford Convent.

Today we visited the animals at the Collingwood Children's Farm. I was very fascinated at all the different animals, I was a little scared to touch them but I had a go!

I loved looking at the horses!

I had a nice lunch at the Abbotsford Convent, sat under a huge tree in the gardens and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day with Mummy, Daddy & Morri.

Mr. Cutie. the way I can walk now!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My 1st birthday.

I had my birthday party on Saturday, finally!!! Last week was my birthday, but my brother, Daddy & Mummy were really sick (gastro) on my birthday and I had to spend the weekend with my Por Por & Goong Goong so that I woundn't catch what they had!
I had a great day! I was very happy and I loved my cake! I kept saying 'Mine'! And it was mine!!! I had to make it understood to my big brother - he likes to say everything is his all the time!

Morri helped me blow out my candle - I've never blown out a candle before!

I got a trike from Grandad & Granny - my big brother is really good at riding it - I still have some practising to do before I can ride it well.

I got a crocodile that laughs and rolls around on the ground from Great Grandad - it makes me laugh too!
I got lots of books, cars, and other cool toys from my family!
It's nice to be centre of attention for a change!...
Thank you to all my family for making my birthday very special!

Monday, October 12, 2009

My brother moves in.

My big brother has moved into my room with me, we now share the bedroom together. We have turned it into a 'boys' room! Daddy put in a new bookself. Morri & I love cars so we have lots of pictures and posters of cars and car toys in our room. Morri's old room is now the new baby's room.

Here we are playing with our wooden multi car park that my Daddy found in someone's hardrubbish collection outside their house! (Our neighbourhood just recently had a hard rubbish collection where people through out all their unwanted stuff! My Daddy likes to take a drive around the neighbourhood in search for 'things' - someone's trash is our treasure! Daddy even found us a kid's slide for us to play in the backyard!)
Our multi-level car park has a car wash and a petrol station too!

Sometimes it takes us both a while to get to sleep as we like to chat and giggle when Mummy & Daddy say goodnight! Sometimes I like to keep Morri up by shouting at him, and other times Morri likes to keep me up by turning on our wall light and climbing out of his bed and giving me toys to play with in my cot! We love each other's company and we love our new room! It's so cool!