Saturday, April 25, 2009

Moving onto bigger things!

I have a high chair too like my brother. I like to have my meals next to him so I can see what he is eating and even try to have a taste too!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

More Jumping...

I get very excited when I have a jump. I make excited noises and even funny faces too! I get a bit worried when my big brother wants to push me in it like a swing and he even tries to spin me around - but Mummy tells not to do it!

Half a year old already!

The day I turned 6 months old, I learnt how to sit up on my own!! I am very happy about that!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The reason why we need to sell our house and find a bigger one!

Looks like I will be a big brother too by the end of the year! Gee, I have a lot of growing up to do - I won't be the baby of the family for much longer - not fair! I've been robbed of my babyhood! My Mummy's milk even tastes yuk now and she has been starving me for the past couple of months - no thanks to this baby! So I have opted for the next best thing - formula milk and 3 meals a day to keep up my strength and gain some weight again since it started to dwindle a bit.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I enjoy eating from the spoon now! I eat rice cereal with apple and pear puree that Mummy makes for breakfast and for lunch and dinner I eat pureed vegies! Yummy! I like to make 'yum' noises when I eat!

I love going for walks in the pram!

Me enjoying the view at the park while my big brother runs around and plays on the play equipment.
Mummy takes Morri & I for walks once or twice a week and we usually go to the park, to the Eltham shops or just around the walking tracks by the yarra. I love to sit in the back seat of the double jogger while my big brother sits on the top seat.

Does this look good on me?