What started off a great idea - a picnic lunch up in the Dandenongs at Silvan Dam, and some nice quality play time with the whole family turned out to be a bit of a stressful adventure! As soon as we sat down to eat our lunch on the picnic rugs, wasps came from every direction and just hovered all over us and our food - so we quickly packed up everything and moved to a different spot. We managed to just finish our lunch before they found us again. So we decided to leave as it wasn't relaxing as my Mummy and Daddy spent all their time shooing them away from us kids especially Isobel - we didn't want her to get stung. So we thought we would drive back down the mountain to Lilydale Lake. They have a huge adventure playground there. The playground was huge and there were lots to play on except it had no shade and it was a warm day - I don't like wearing hats so I was rather hot and bothered by the sun so we didn't stay long there either!
These photos were taken before we had our lunch at Silvan Dam - we had a good run around and played soccer with Daddy.